Best Albums of 2015 (to me ya dig)

2015 was a great year for music and I thought I would compile a list of my favorite musical projects from the year to share with others and to look back on. Let's get it out of the way that enjoyment of music is subjective and that everybody has different opinions on what is groovy and such. These are groovy to me but they may not be to you who knows. Each of the individual sections (10s, 9s, 8s) are supposed to be out of 10 and are not in any particular order within the section.

Feel free to follow me on Spotify Which is honestly a bunch of incomplete playlists but a few solid ones of things I listen to over and over until the tinnitus sets in.

I do not claim any of the rights to the content found on this website (I only wish I could make music and album art so pretty.) The images and music are property of the artists | record companies | labels and what have you. This site is still somewhat under construction as there are some things I want to add but since the year is over I thought I might as well get it out there. Lastly, if you want to see the full name of an album just hover over the image and it should appear! 🎤 🎧


